The magicians blonde actress - Three Stooges Supporting Actresses: Christine McIntyre

Magicians blonde actress the Marina Andrieski

The Magicians

Magicians blonde actress the The Top

The Magicians

Magicians blonde actress the ‘The Magicians’

Magicians blonde actress the The Magicians

Magicians blonde actress the Three Stooges

Magicians blonde actress the Michelle Gomez

Mageina Tovah

Magicians blonde actress the The Magicians

Magicians blonde actress the Three Stooges

Magicians blonde actress the The Top

The Magicians (TV Series 2015–2020)

Magicians blonde actress the Marina Andrieski

Mageina Tovah

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  • She is best known as the lead actor in the 2012 Academy Award winning film 2012 and its 2014 full-length feature film version.

  • In she used Julia to help her sneak into the school to take back her memories that were sealed inside a box in 's office in a elaborate plan that allowed her to enter Brakebills while the were lowered.