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Elsa (Frozen)

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Anna commented that she wished the castle could always be this vibrant, and though Elsa agreed, she caught herself and interjected that it was not possible.

  • Elsa is the daughter of and , the older sister of and the former queen of.

  • Despite her sister's attempts to reassure her, she continued to panic and eventually gathered the swirl of snow into herself and released it as a blast of ice magic, unwittingly striking Anna in the heart.

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Despite the thug's efforts to resist, Elsa used another ice wall to push him through the balcony doors, inches from falling to his death.

  • The two sisters eventually made their way into the village, though Elsa continued sneezing, obliviously producing more Snowgies in the process.

  • After spending the first few years of her life as a military brat in Germany, the family moved to Baltimore, Maryland.

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