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And Here Are Your Nominees For Playboy's Sexiest Sportscaster of the Year

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And Here Are Your Nominees For Playboy's Sexiest Sportscaster of the Year

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Hey Playboy, Forget Erin Andrews and Shana Hiatt. Suzy Kolber Is the Sexiest Sportscaster.

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Lisa Rinna Instagram Photo We almost forgot… the nude selfie she posted, then removed, then readded on Instagram.

  • This woman is the entire deal! Thigh highs, heels, legs and a trimmed pussy… you would definitely eat that pussy like a Big Mac.

  • To exclude her is a crime.

And Here Are Your Nominees For Playboy's Sexiest Sportscaster of the Year

But I gave her the write-in vote! I blame myself for that.

  • Why did she mess with those lips! Melissa Theuriau The legendary Melissa Theuriau.

  • Geez…white people seem to have this allergic reaction to black female beauty and sexiness.