Magdelene st james - St Mary Magdalen Church Oxford

St james magdelene Magdalen College,

St james magdelene St Mary

St james magdelene Magdalen College,

St James' Church, Stanstead Abbotts

St james magdelene St James'

St James' Church, Stanstead Abbotts

St james magdelene St Mary

Magdalen College, Oxford

St james magdelene Magdalen College,

St james magdelene St James'

St James' Church, Stanstead Abbotts

St james magdelene St Mary

Magdalen College, Oxford

St james magdelene Magdalen College,

Magdalen College, Oxford

St james magdelene St James'

St Mary Magdalen Church Oxford

Sir was an Australian pharmacologist who studied at Magdalen on a , graduating in 1924.

  • Lobel London, 1954 , pp.

  • The chair was held from 1984 until he retired in 2006 by , who received the for his work in.