Taracod served as concept artist, Keisuke Kobayashi as core animator, Yūki Funao as art director, and De De Mouse and Mito as music composers.
Mion's death is even onscreen, and everyone is tied up.
In the later arcs, his actions that break patterns genuinely surprise her as it becomes clear that he seems to be the first individual that Rika has witnessed being able to remember events that took place in the other worlds.
It was directed by Shin Wakabayashi, written by Shinji Nojima and features character designs by Saki Takahashi.
Why don't you lean as well? Although Rika's status allows her to attend and participate in important village meetings, she is not required to attend due to her age.
Eventually, Rika cuts Satoko's neck with her fragment, which then initiates a truly epic and rather colorful continuation of the two battling across fragments, with recriminations, with Satoko armed with the sword and Rika with the fragment.