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The Lone Voice: The Tipton Taliban

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Rusty fawkes onlyfans The Lone

Rusty fawkes onlyfans The Lone

The Lone Voice: The Tipton Taliban

Rusty fawkes onlyfans The Lone

The Lone Voice: The Tipton Taliban

Rusty fawkes onlyfans The Lone

The Lone Voice: The Tipton Taliban

Rusty fawkes onlyfans The Lone

Rusty fawkes onlyfans The Lone

The Lone Voice: The Tipton Taliban

Rusty fawkes onlyfans The Lone

Rusty fawkes onlyfans The Lone

The Lone Voice: The Tipton Taliban

The Lone Voice: The Tipton Taliban

So lets do a quick recap - he has admitted in his book to metting with Jamaat-e-Islami and then going to Afganistan - then under the control of the Taliban - to a terrorist training camp and another run by unidentified arabs.

  • Sarah, first off check out Begg's wikipedia page.

  • Have to say that Mr Begg has an unusual choice of holiday destinations to be fair.

The Lone Voice: The Tipton Taliban

Secondly we only have his word, the word of a proven liar, a jihadist, a terrorist that he was tortured.

  • He has been involved in jihadist politics for a long long time.

  • He was disappointed not to be able to make it to the war-torn republic, but a few years later he moved, with his family, to an even more exotic location.