Kitten and bear - The Kitten and the Bear

Bear kitten and Kitten and

Bear kitten and The Kitten

Kitten with Teddy Bear Ears Steals Hearts with Her Strong Spirit

Bear kitten and cross


Bear kitten and cross

Bear kitten and Kitten and

Bear kitten and Kitten and

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Bear kitten and Loading interface

Kitten with Teddy Bear Ears Steals Hearts with Her Strong Spirit

Bear kitten and Kitten and

Bear kitten and Kitten and


Bear kitten and Kitten with

The Kitten and the Bear

I have lots of jobs to do before we leave for Auckland on Wednesday and I probably won't have time for blogging or commenting until I get back.

  • She is brave, playful and adventurous, and enjoys every little thing in life.

  • A few weeks later, Quill was down with a fever and taken to the vet.