Though copious promotional material has been around for this title, the film itself was considered lost for years and became a holy grail of sorts for devotees of obscure exploitation.
Sign up and get the latest stories like this sent directly to you! Just seen another person thank me for this small selection of scans, which was a sheer coincidence as I managed to stumble on a set here available on the Interweb of this gorgeous creature.
Blatty derived the character from Assyrian and Babylonian mythology, where Pazuzu was considered the king of the demons of the wind, and the son of the god Hanbi.
And, because this is a hippie freak-out film, freaky camera angles, groovy music, and snooby gratuity abound—including Gini offering her nubile booty to the god Pazuzu—until the heroes get freaked out as all get out by bad happenings in the swamp! Al is supposed to deliver the camper to an obnoxious car dealer there, but somewhere along the way they get high and get lost in a spooky swamp.