Zavaleta, Juan in an interview with the author during a series of Skype interviews that occurred between November 1, 2014 — February 7, 2015.
Exhibition held at the Carrillo Gil Art Museum.
Their composite artistic interests and skill sets ultimately converged in the midst of personal relationships and friendships to enable them to articulate a series of messages and ideas that were important to their coterie, mostly criticism of the conditions of violence that civilians had to endure in Mexico.
The environment appeared innocuous; it resembled a hazy dance club.
It is this type of gesture that opens multilateral conversations and solutions and that makes her approach and practice some of what is in my opinion the most pertinent and socially restorative work that can be done when society collectively faces a difficult or dangerous situation, one that exposes the erosion of trust among individuals and institutions, and which simultaneously reveals dark agendas.
The containers were covered with soot; a viscous coat of a fatty substance encrusted their inner walls.