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William Smith & James Yates, The First Gay Couple To Get A Marriage License In Rowan County, Are Setting A Wedding Date

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The Dirty

Yates nude james James Yates

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James Yates Archives

Stephen Yates : contemporary American Painter

His brother was present that day and was able to control his brother, so Yates was not restrained.

  • This statement appears to refer to the James Yates murders that, at the time, had been mentioned in publications such as New York Weekly Magazine, Philadelphia Minerva, and the Salem Gazette and served as a way to authenticate the story in Wieland.

  • J---- Y----, upon His Family, in December, A.

James Yates

Many of Yates's animals were also killed, such as his cattle, a dog and two horses.

  • All visual content is copyright to it's respectful owners.

  • The New York Daily News reported that Daily News also reported that the couple is now trying to decide on a date for the wedding ceremony they plan to have at Yates' family home.

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