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Demidova onlyfans helenka Meraki resort

Demidova onlyfans helenka Meraki resort

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Meraki resort

Demidova onlyfans helenka Discover demidova_helenka

Demidova onlyfans helenka Meraki resort

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Demidova onlyfans helenka Discover demidova_helenka

Meraki resort

Demidova onlyfans helenka Meraki resort

Meraki resort

Demidova onlyfans helenka Meraki resort

Demidova onlyfans helenka Meraki resort

Meraki resort

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The food is varied and delicious, the cocktails are really good there is no limit to perfection , the staff is very helpful and polite.

  • And the hookah tent is unrealistic.

  • You will need to take a taxi to go visit and see downtown hurghada, not a walking distance.

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Pool slides were up but were not working the time I was there because it was too cold.

  • The decor is hip and fresh and the rooms are lovely.

  • Except for the check in which was unnecessarily complicated, all the staff were lovely, but as per normal, expect to be bugged by sales people!!! Staff are very helpful with great hospitality.

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