A serial killer named Andrew Cunanan shot the designer twice and then calmly walked off, leaving Versace bleeding to death on those pristine white steps, now forever tainted with red.
Rape 128 Murder 81 Blood 61 Death 61 Based On Novel 60 Violence 58 Husband Wife Relationship 57 Revenge 57 Female Nudity 55 Mother Daughter Relationship 55 Father Daughter Relationship 51 Flashback 51 Female Protagonist 50 Cigarette Smoking 49 Rape Victim 47 Independent Film 44 Hospital 43 Photograph 43 Face Slap 42 Family Relationships 42 Sexual Abuse 42 F Rated 41 Police 40 Kiss 38 Sex 38 Suicide 38 Crying 37 Rape And Revenge 37 Bare Chested Male 36 Beating 36 Mother Son Relationship 36 Pregnancy 35 Title Spoken By Character 35 Brother Sister Relationship 34 Friendship 34 Deception 33 Dog 33 Father Son Relationship 33 Gun 33 Nudity 33 Child Abuse 32 Drunkenness 32 Sex Scene 32 African American 31 Betrayal 31 Fight 31 Teenage Girl 31 Telephone Call 31 Bar 30 Church 30 Corpse 30 Marriage 30 Psychopath 30 Rapist 30 Surprise Ending 30 Cult Film 29 Investigation 29 Singing 29 Dancing 28 Drinking 28 Female Frontal Nudity 28 Male Female Relationship 28 Bare Breasts 27 Fear 27 Fire 27 Knife 27 Restaurant 27 Anger 26 Boyfriend Girlfriend Relationship 26 Chase 26 Doctor 26 One Word Title 26 Party 26 Pistol 26 Seduction 26 Slow Motion Scene 26 Blood Splatter 25 Love 25 Prostitute 25 Psychotronic Film 25 Brutality 24 Courtroom 24 Friend 24 Male Nudity 24 Sexual Assault 24 Singer 24 Baby 23 Humiliation 23 Nightmare 23 Car 22 Drink 22 Female Rear Nudity 22 Jealousy 22 Lawyer 22 Mirror 22 Police Officer 22 Shot In The Head 22 Small Town 22 Bathtub 21 Child Molestation 21.
To be fair to Fukunaga, King's novel was more shocking still: the Loser Club's only female member has sex with all six of the boys in order to save them.