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Wardrobe Malfunction: 8 Celebrities Who've Flashed Their Underwear on the Red Carpet

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15 Most Famous Celebrities Breast Implants

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Sarah Jessica Parker: BEFORE and AFTER

Parker tit jessica sarah Sarah Jessica

Celebrities Who Surprisingly Refuse To Bare It All

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Parker tit jessica sarah Sarah Jessica

28 Hottest Half

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Sarah Jessica Parker goes braless under a sheer vest

Sarah Jessica Parker: Plastic Surgery for Boobs and Nose! Before

They may have been compelled to light up a cigarette many a time on-screen, but when it comes to real life, these sexy ladies have been secretive about their smoking habit.

  • Unfortunately for stars like Anna Faris and Emma Watson, ended up exposing their undergarments anyways.

  • Breast augmentation or boob job is one the most common plastic surgery done by female celebrities.

Sarah Jessica Parker: BEFORE and AFTER

When refused to bare it all onscreen, some Game of Thrones fans surprisingly lashed out at the star.

  • Naturally, she stood her ground and proved him wrong.

  • The 62-year-old donned matching kitten heels and busily chatted into her mobile phone as she departed the eatery.