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Does Jimmy Fallon Smoke Weed? • Green Rush Daily

Elmer Hartman voiced by Seth MacFarlane — An incompetent 36-year-old doctor who works at Quahog's hospital.

  • In later episodes however, she converses normally.

  • Rick Steves A renowned world traveler and travel expert, Rick Steves has built an empire out of his passion for exploration and understanding of the world abroad.

Top comedians and famous stoners who’ve used marijuana

Peter, Cleaveland, Joe and Brian go in to pull a prank on Quagmire's cat, but Peter ends up killing it.

  • What even constitutes a 'stoner movie' though? His name comes from MacFarlane's close friend and fellow animator.

  • Hartman was among the Quahog citizens to attend the trial between Pawtucket Patriot Ale and Duff Beer in Springfield.