Krill was here - Sky Saturdays: Kirill Was Here

Was here krill Solving the

Was here krill Solving the

Was here krill Kirill Was


Was here krill ‎Kirill's House

Was here krill ‎Kirill's House

Was here krill Kirill Was

Was here krill Solving the

Was here krill Sky Saturdays:

Was here krill Staggering Data

Was here krill Kirill Was

Kirill Was Here 11.19.21

Whether eaten or not it will be recycled by the oxygen created.

  • Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources.

  • But that's not what happened.

Kirill Was Here 11.19.21

The most familiar and largest group of crustaceans, the , includes the comprising the three orders, Euphausiacea krill , shrimp, prawns, lobsters, crabs , and the planktonic.

  • Experimental studies using as a model suggest that the vertical migrations of krill several hundreds of metres, in groups tens of metres deep, could collectively create enough downward jets of water to have a significant effect on ocean mixing.

  • In 2012, Gandomi and Alavi presented what appears to be a for modelling the behaviour of krill swarms.