Megatron for president - 33 Funny Voting Signs Express What People Really Think About These Elections

For president megatron Megatron (BW)

For president megatron Halfbakery: Optimus

For president megatron Megatron T

Megatron For President

For president megatron Megatron (Movie)

Halfbakery: Optimus Prime for President

For president megatron Megatron For

Halfbakery: Optimus Prime for President

For president megatron Megatron


For president megatron Megatron for

Megatron T

For president megatron Megatron for

For president megatron Megatron

For president megatron Megatron (Movie) : Funny Political Yard Sign

Megatron (Movie)

On September 24, against , he had five receptions for 123 receiving yards and one receiving touchdown in the 51—7 loss.

  • However, most of the greatest ideas were born from real life situations.

  • This could be why Optimus Prime's sword shattered inside of Galvatron's chest.

Megatron For President

In the game, he passed Jonathan Smith for the school record for receiving yards in a single season and also moved past Kelly Campbell to be the school's all-time leader in receiving yards for a career.

  • Megatron would later gain another employee when Tera-Kura hired.

  • Stafford was named the team's starting quarterback out of training camp, but he battled various injuries throughout the season.