How to shoryuken - What does Shoryuken mean?

To shoryuken how How do

To shoryuken how How do

To shoryuken how Metsu Shoryuken

To shoryuken how What does

To shoryuken how How the

To shoryuken how How do

To shoryuken how Shoryuken

To shoryuken how How the

To shoryuken how Dragon Punch/Shoryuken

Tips on how to do Shoryuken...

To shoryuken how How do

How do I time a cancel into a Shoryuken?

On my modded d-pad it's even easier than on the stick, just press forward and then let your thumb slide from the bottom to the df-position.

  • While Gouken's Shin Shoryuken already does considerable damage, it should be noted that it deals significantly more damage when used by Gouken as a boss in the Arcade Mode; it is enough to deal roughly two thirds of the average fighter's health bar, requiring the player to respect the threat of the move which can completely swing a seemingly advantageous fight.

  • Just like the Shin Shoryuken, it has a lengthy recovery and leaves Ryu open to attack for a significant amount of time.