Lady of chaos - Queen of Chaos

Of chaos lady The_Lady_of_Chaos

Lady Chaos

Of chaos lady Cyrene Valantion

Of chaos lady Cyrene Valantion


Of chaos lady Queen of

Of chaos lady ‎Lady Of

Of chaos lady Lady of

‎Lady Of Chaos on Apple Books

Of chaos lady Cyrene Valantion


Of chaos lady Lady Chaos

Of chaos lady Lady Death

Of chaos lady Quelaag's Sister

Daughter of Chaos

Quelaag's Sister

Eventually, Lady Death and her companions track Sagos down to a temple in Karrion, where they discover Sagos holding Lady Death's mother in chains.

  • Cheated of their revenge, the villagers decide to burn Hope at the stake as a witch.

  • Gradually corrupted by the nature of her surrounding, Hope was tainted with evil.