In 1953, on a post-high school graduation trip to New York with her parents, a friend introduced her to an agent who, immediately impressed, told her to attend an open audition with John Fearnley, the casting director for the songwriting team of Rodgers and Hammerstein.
She overturned her squeaky-clean image once before with her Oscar-winning portrayal of a vengeful prostitute in Elmer Gantry 1960 opposite Burt Lancaster, and the role that she considers her most important.
As she sees it, her own steady temperament made her crave an exciting, surprising partner, and both Cassidy and Ingels fit the description.
Marty Ingels, the comedian who is her second husband of 35 years and counting, is taking it all in stride, says Jones.
Her performance in the drama earned her a Golden Globe in 1988.
Law from 1986 to 1992.