We then see Kellemarie naked on her back with her legs spread as Aria rubs against her.
She went on to do a good handful of kinky pussy-loving movies with some of the hottest girl sluts in the biz, guaranteeing viewers a good handful of their own hard junk.
Those jugs of hers weigh in at 32 F, standing for Fun as Fuck! Deciding to get in on the action, she slowly started with nude modeling before one day getting her first real taste of feminine muff mist sprayed in her face.
Aria Giovanni is currently featured in 2 free nude picture galleries, with a total of 32 erotic nude photos and 1 sexy video in her nude model section here at Erotic Beauties, where her nude photos have been viewed over 86,735 times.
Giovanni stars on the 2010 Nerdcore Horror Calendar.
According to her website, she did so well that she was able to graduate and head to college by the age of 16.