Stockings & heels - Hosiery & Garter Belts: Lingerie Accessories

Heels stockings & Retro Vintage

Heels stockings & Hosiery &

Christmas Stockings

Heels stockings & Stocking

Heels stockings & Stockings

Heels stockings & Stockings


Heels stockings & Thigh


Heels stockings & Retro Vintage

Heels stockings & Stockings

Hosiery & Garter Belts: Lingerie Accessories

Heels stockings & Retro Vintage


Heels stockings & Thigh

Retro Vintage Seamed Stockings

Spare pairs are also easy to carry if they are ruined.

  • Knit in a heavier denier yarn and folded double to give strength for supporter fastening.

  • Also, pantyhose do not require garters or garter belts, and do not need to be adjusted as much, whilst also leaving a smoother line under.

Christmas Stockings

Not only will they keep you a little bit warmer in your workwear during the winter, they also keep you from worrying about whether your legs are looking wan.

  • If you prefer, you may also email us at info barenecessities.

  • Get the look you need with one of these seamed stockings you can cheat and wear seamed pantyhose too : Vintage Seamed Stockings Dressing in vintage style clothing for a themed event or personal fashion is our passion.