Sarah young pornostar - Sarah Young Porn Videos

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Sarah Young

Young pornostar sarah Sarah Young

Young pornostar sarah Sarah Young

Young pornostar sarah Sarah Young

Sarah Young

Young pornostar sarah Sarah Young

Young pornostar sarah Sarah Young

Sarah Young

Young pornostar sarah Sarah Young

Young pornostar sarah Sarah Young

Young pornostar sarah Sarah Young

Young pornostar sarah Sarah Young

Sarah Young Pornstar Videos

Sarah Young Pornstar Videos

The positive response to the pictures led to an invitation for Sarah to join a modelling agency, and for the first time she began to realise that most men considered her to be beautiful.

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  • In early-1992 Sarah underwent breast augementation surgery , giving her the voluptuous figure which would be a major factor in her increasing popularity.

Sarah Young

Her mother was a seamstress and her father a structural engineer.

  • The photos also brought her to the attention of aka Sascha Alexander , an established porn film director and producer, and magazine publisher.

  • Having spent her career performing in, writing, producing and directing films, in 1997, as the porn industry began to switch to lower budget movies, Sarah Young decided to retire from the business.