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The Very Best of Alannah Myles

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Hot alannah myles 7 Questions

Top Alannah Myles Songs

Alannah Myles (album)

Why is our Whisky so delicious? Alannah Myles - Livin' on a Memory.

  • Jason: I thought your 1995 album A-lan-nah was your most inspired, organic work.

  • Style Advice - Black Velvet proved to everybody that she is one of the most talented singer of her generation, and she is hot.

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Alannah Myles: There are too many to tell.

  • Has your confidence in songwriting grown since then? The virtual presentation will include an exclusive video recording by award-winning artists Serena Ryder and Damhnait Doyle performing Black Velvet with Ward, that will be available to view on the Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame website cshf.

  • I bore easily and need to sing music that demands more from my voice.