Holly marie zucchero - List of singer

Zucchero holly marie List of

Zucchero holly marie Scott Plank

Scott Plank

Zucchero holly marie List of

Scott Plank

Zucchero holly marie Scott Plank

Scott Plank

Zucchero holly marie Scott Plank

Scott Plank

Zucchero holly marie Scott Plank

Zucchero holly marie List of

Scott Plank

Zucchero holly marie List of

Scott Plank

Zucchero holly marie Scott Plank

Scott Plank

Zucchero holly marie Scott Plank

List of singer

List of singer

Plank's last feature film was the movie Holes 2003 starring Sigourney Weaver and Jon Voight, in which he had the supporting role of Trout Walker.

  • Regional theatre roles include Hurly Burly co-starring alongside Sean Penn, and a one act play Kindness of Women, written and directed by Sean Penn.

  • His television credits include appearances in The Division 2001 , Sons and Daughters 1991 , Air America 1998 and Melrose Place 1992.

Scott Plank

Plank had an extensive theater background that spans from Broadway to Regional theater in Los Angeles.

  • A great example of a World Famous A-List Celebrity Singer-songwriter is.

  • These performers write their own material, accompany themselves on or keyboards, usually perform solo or with limited and understated accompaniment, and are known as much for their songwriting skills as for their performance abilities.

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