How old is reily reid - Memoriam (TV Episode 2008)

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Memoriam (TV Episode 2008)

Is reid old how reily Miley Cyrus

Is reid old how reily Miley Cyrus

Is reid old how reily Miley Cyrus

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Is reid old how reily Memoriam (TV

Is reid old how reily Spencer Reid

Is reid old how reily Miley Cyrus

Spencer Reid

Is reid old how reily Miley Cyrus

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Is reid old how reily Memoriam (TV

Is reid old how reily Memoriam (TV

Spencer Reid

Reid refuses to believe this, afraid that he may be suffering from the same illness as his mother.

  • Because there's something I wanted to ask you, but, it can wait.

  • Reid becomes more and more distressed by the situation and discovers that her kidnapper is not Putnam, but his girlfriend, Diane Turner.

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Prentiss is the only one who has beat Reid at poker, even correcting his statistic about her particular poker move.

  • The two agents have a heated discussion, and he tells her the mystery woman is a geneticist he contacted about his headaches during season six, whom he believes can help on the case.

  • He reluctantly had her committed to a psychiatric institution, Bennington Sanitarium.