Trina from trailer park boy - What happened to Trina? : trailerparkboys

From park boy trailer trina Where in

Jeanna Harrison

From park boy trailer trina Trinity

From park boy trailer trina What happened


From park boy trailer trina John Dunsworth

From park boy trailer trina Jeanna Harrison

Elliot Page

From park boy trailer trina Trailer Park

Trailer Park Boys (TV Series 2001–2018)

From park boy trailer trina Jeanna Harrison

John Dunsworth

From park boy trailer trina Trailer Park

From park boy trailer trina John Dunsworth

Treena Lahey

From park boy trailer trina Home



  • His greed has also led to him emotionally manipulating his friends with the belief that the end justifies the means.

  • Similar to real life, home can be a physical place, but it's also where people feel most comfortable and loved, with their best friends, loved ones, or makeshift family.

Elliot Page

September 2009 saw the release of Drew Barrymore's directorial debut, , starring Page as a member of a team.

  • The film was a major box-office success, and received positive reviews from critics, being noted as one of the best films in.

  • The fact they screwed the boys over however remains a plot point through Season 5.