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Laura Rutledge

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Laura Rutledge Age, Net Worth, Height, Affair, and More

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Laura Rutledge

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Sports power couple Laura and Josh Rutledge list NYC condo for $1.75M

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15 Of The Hottest Lesser

Some famous people even go to school after making it big, and some drop out of high school because they could not afford to continue their education.

  • Following her graduation from the University of Florida, and after winning Miss Florida, it did not take Laura very long to find a gig and she was hired to work for Fox Sports covering Tampa Bay Rays and San Diego Padres games.

  • Her zodiac sign is Libra.

Naked Truth of Laura Rutledge

Although she was born in South America, she now lives in Nashville, Tennessee and has an Instagram profile that is going to break the internet soon.

  • Over the years, the job has transformed: The beautiful dilettantes of the seventies have become the beautiful, ridiculously qualified, thoroughly insightful women of today.

  • If you have ever been to San Diego then you already know that the rumors are true, it really does have the perfect weather, year round.