Shine in latin - shine in in Latin

In latin shine shine in

"let her light shine"

In latin shine

shine in in Latin

In latin shine shine in

In latin shine shine in

In latin shine shine in

In latin shine shine in

"let her light shine"

In latin shine shine in

"let her light shine"

In latin shine

"let her light shine"

In latin shine shine in

shine in in Latin

In latin shine

"let her light shine"

The men see their not their own danger: Virī perīculum eōrum eārum vident.

  • Nam praeter peculiaria negotia quae forte in singulis dioecesibus inciderint, quaeque rectius expediri potuerint adhibitis communis experientiae luminibus, amplam praebebit segetem prudentiae et consultationi vestrae deliberatio et constitutio eorum quae maxime profutura sint ad incendenda sacerdotum studia, qui modo operantur in vinea Domini, atque ad alumnos excolendos quos enitere aliquando oportebit in Domo Dei, solidae scientiae lumine, germani spiritus ecclesiastici laude, omni demum sacerdotalium virtutum ornatu.

  • For beyond the special business of the separate dioceses, which can more easily be furthered under the light of a shared experience, the ordering of those works which are most effective for rousing the zeal of the priesthood already labouring in the Lord's vineyard, and for the education of students who will one day have to shine in the house of God with the light of solid wisdom, with the merit of a true ecclesiastical spirit, with every sacerdotal virtue this will afford a large field of work to your prudence and your common deliberations.